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Our Quests

Our quests are bite-sized hands-on learning journeys which connect you to real world professions, processes and skills. Every quest is led by an expert, equipped with knowledge and know-how, experience and passion - who will give you a taste of their professional world.

Read the list carefully and think about what is the most interesting quest for YOU. Follow your intuition, choose your quest and start ReShuffling!

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A quest for actors and actors to be, led by award winning actress, singer songwriter and acting instructor Ola Schur Selektar.


Join a group of theatre and movie fans and prepare for the stage! Explore the basics of acting, choose a monologue, learn how to get into a character and act out their story!

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A quest for cooking lovers, led by Chef, Games of Chef and food blogger Eden David.


Join a group of foodies and prepare to spend some quality time in the kitchen! Explore the basics of cooking, and the magical world of ingredients and cooking processes, choose a recipe, and learn how execute and adjust a recipe, with a "twist" of your own!

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A quest for those who wish to make a positive impact on the planet, led by the admirable environmental expert and activist Liat Zvi.

Get familiar with the up and coming profession of environmental consulting. From raw materials to end of use - you will explore existing methods vs. environmentally friendly ones in order to make a change. Join a group of nature lovers for a quest that will change your view on product forever! 

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A quest for creative, fashion oriented, free spirits, led by fashion designer and artist Naomi Maaravi.


Join a group of fashionistas and prepare to create a new and special addition to your wardrobe! Explore the basics of upcycling, dive into the exciting world of connecting and disconnecting clothes, learn how to work with a vision and a plan to recreate your own piece!

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A quest for artistic, decor-loving, creative thinkers led by the renowned designer and artist, Ronen Levin. 


Join a group of design enthusiasts and discover the magic of transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary ones! Explore the fundamentals of interior design, and learn how to work with a vision and plan to create a unique and personalized focal point in your space of choice.

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A quest for brand lovers, led by marketing and branding specialist Yael Shafrir.


Get familiar with marketing essentials and learn how to build your own brand. Start with promise and vision, drill down to understanding the target audience, figure out your distribution and tell your story in ways that will attract your clients. Last but not least - work with your teammates to polish your ideas and execute your strategy!

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A quest for sharp, curios minds, led by pediatrist Dr. Yonatan Goffer.


Learn the basics of medicine: examine and diagnose a real patient, consult doctors, create a full second opinion on a medical mystery of your choice - all from a doctor's point of view. 
Explore alternative and complementary diagnoses, and find the cause of your patient’s condition, side-by-side with a team of medicine enthusiasts!

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A quest for musicians and musicians-to-be, guided by award winning music producer and gifted drummer Yuval Shafrir.


Join a group of music lovers and climb this stairway to heaven! Explore the process of soul searching and songwriting, jam out what you’ve got to say, and enjoy the satisfaction of creating and performing an original song from scratch.

A quest for active and passionate leaders, with CrossFit and mental trainer Yoav Assa.


A run through the physical and mental aspects of sports training, in the field you love the most!
Join a group of sports lovers for a unique experience as a sports trainer: learn the basics, get inspired, choose your audience and build the perfect training plan for your future trainees!

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A quest for cooking enthusiasts looking to take their kitchen skills to the next level, led by chef Omer Alony.


Investigate your own culinary roots, connect to a cooking inspiration, add your own interpretation to a traditional dish and turn it into a whole foodie experience!

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A quest for curious sports and movement fans, with ninja trainer and osteopath Yarden Hassid.


Join a group of sports training enthusiasts on a journey into the human body and discover a holistic approach to workout sessions! Explore various and dedicated modifications, and find out how to personalize workouts for specific trainees and physical goals.

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